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A Digital Advertising Trend That Must End


One of the trends that has been growing with digital marketing being handled by individuals with limited experience has been the running of digital ads with no follow through. This idea that consumers will magically find their way into your store must change and it begins with properly planning out digital ads strategically. Effective digital advertising end result is a sale, period. Perhaps it is the capitalistic mind frame in which Grow Laredo prides itself on, but the return of investment for our customers should be and always be sales. This notion that advertising digitally serves any other purpose is ludicrous. Granted, we are proponents of building value, customer loyalty, and service, but making sales is the ultimate goal of every campaign we initiate for our clients. With this in mind here are a few recommendations when running digital ads.

  1. Set ads up to capture data. Data capture can include several items such as names, numbers, and emails, so initiating ads to collect this information will be key in boosting sales. Once the information is in house, this is known as a conversion or lead. Lead generation from ads becomes the ultimate prize as this is someone who took the time to leave you their data and expressed an interest in your product, service, or message. The person who owns this information can now put their sales hat on at this point and work towards fulfillment of the potential customer’s wants and needs. This is truly the best way make sales online.
  2. Learn how to create sales funnels or landing pages. Sales funnels or landing pages are designed to take a potential customer down the sales journey. It first begins with you ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google to these one page websites that you control. Here, the prospect is in your world where they are cradled into filling out forms designed to capture their information. In our experience using tools like Builderall that provide all in one marketing solutions not only save money, but provide you unlimited tools to create sales funnels and landing pages as well as initiate email campaigns for one low monthly fee.
  3. Remarketing for sales success begins when you have a potential customer who hasn’t completed their sales journey and needs an additional push to finalize the transaction. This strategy may be through email marketing once their data has been acquired. This similar process can also be used for customers who have purchased your product and could lead to a second sale also known as an up sell. This will require you to analyze your sales process which is ultimately the way all sales are conducted. Traditional forms of sales that still occur today have a customer walk through a store front, where they are greeted, questioned politely about their needs, presented with different solutions to address their needs, and then move into the transaction phase. This process must be defined by you, then translated into a digital form in which your customers will follow. Doing this will allow for multiple transactions if put into practice.
  4. Analytics is key to measuring your digital ads. Not all digital ads work the same way. The competition for attention is getting larger by the day and creating compelling advertisements are requiring a constant review of ads to be effective and return sales to those running these ads. Therefore, using tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Facebook Ads Manager, and insights on Instagram will provide back end information that will guide you on how people are responding to your ads. Using these analysis tools can greatly increase the performance of your ads and be a truth telling way to reformulate your advertisements into lead generators.

Reviewing your digital marketing strategy is a great first step in making sure your ads are performing for your business. Whether you’re running these ads yourself or they are being managed by a staff member, be mindful of the process by which you are running digital advertisements. In order for your business to succeed, sales of your product will determine the longevity of your business. Remember that the sales process hasn’t changed, the way people buy has. Adopting this philosophy into your culture will ensure that you will continue to have effective digital ads that translate into sales for years to come. For other great advise and tips please check out our previous posts that highlight different aspects of digital marketing.

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