Digital Marketing In Laredo, Texas


After doing several market visits the last few weeks, it has become abundantly clear that there are many business owners and staff employed by those business owners, that have no plan in action to take their business from brick and mortar to click and order. Even sadder is that some don’t believe in the power of the internet. While I wish there was some undying energy in me to educate them all, there isn’t the will nor time to do so. There is saying that goes, “you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.” This applies to the individuals who inspired this post that I have run into in the last few weeks. Some with thousands and even millions invested in their business have said, NO to digital marketing or even updating their website. Worse is that search engine optimization in Laredo is a concept that has yet to gain steam.  We wish them all the best but Grow Laredo is a progressive company with progressive ideas and creativity that aims to help your business grow through training employers and their staff and equipping them with the knowledge necessary to complete the sales funnel. There’s not enough of that happening in the market. Currently, most businesses who are spending on digital marketing or thinking about getting their business online don’t know enough so the sales process breaks down and there is not measurable way to get an accurate ROI number. How can you spend money on marketing and not know what your dollars are providing for you or your business? This is the education factor that Grow Laredo adds to the process in order for a business to track their marketing dollars properly and know about the importance of conversions.

If you are not using Grow Laredo we do encourage you to ask the following questions from your vendor:

1) What is my ROI?

2) What is a conversion?

3) How many conversions did this campaign bring me?

4) Does my staff know how to handle conversions?


While for blog purpose this is a short list of questions out of the many that should be asked, they are questions that should be asked on a frequent basis from your vendors. Quit throwing away your money. Focus on search engine optimization, content marketing, email marketing, digital marketing, and video content.

Lastly, if you own a business and have invest money, blood, sweat, and tears into your entrepreneurial venture then I suggest you get with the digital marketing program NOW. If not your business windows will soon be sporting one of those For Lease signs.


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