Live Stream Marketing


As a leader in digital marketing in Laredo, Texas, we have seen that live stream has changed the way consumers absorb their content.  While the technology is not new, the addition of this function to Facebook, Youtube, and the popularity of Twitch, have made it a regular practice for content creators around the world.  If  business is looking for a different way to market their products, live streaming can be a way that engages customers and potential buyers in a new way. Why? Because it is based on experience.  What do I mean by experience? It means that consumers are looking for a new way to buy items and don’t just want to be sold.  This is where live stream allows you to take hold of your viewer and turn them into fan, and more importantly a buy of your product, service, or message.  Grow Laredo has found that live stream has been a positive impact for our clients.  Aside from search engine optimization, content marketing, and email marketing, live stream holds many advantages which we will share with you.

!)  Real time engagement 

If you’re wanting to know what type of fans you have on your facebook page, or if people like the products you make, then live stream can provide this information for you as you begin to see viewers check in and give you feedback. It can be a humbling and rewarding experience for both parties as now view feel like they are part of your journey and you are taking their responses and making your product, service, or message better.

2)  Sell Something

Instead of waiting to buy something, I have often wished I could know how a certain product will look, feel, or work before I buy it and live stream gives you the ability to do this in real time.  Perhaps you have a certain message you are trying to promote, live stream gives you a platform to do real time question and answer to gain support.  The possibilities are endless and only requires a little creativity on your end.  Just think of your live stream feed as your own personal cable network, and if managed correctly, can be a portal to reaching viewers and new customers with a little out of the box marketing.

3)  Switch Things Up

There are several different softwares available for you to take your live stream to another level.  Simply by searching the web, you will find that these softwares will take any stream and give you the capabilities of running graphics, text, and even addition video over your live stream.  Other options include running multiple cameras which can be a great way to entertain viewers to keep them watching.  The complexity of your live stream will depend largely on 2 things: your equipment and bandwidth availability.  However, do not let this stop you for getting online and going live as most live streams can broadcast with your mobile device. The creative portion will depend on how far and grand you would like to take your live stream.

Ultimately, there are many ways to promote your products, and live stream is another tool in the tool box.  I urge you to utilize live stream as it is free at the moment on Facebook, Youtube, & Twitch and can pay off huge dividends if used to its fullest potential.  No matter what type of business or organization, live stream simply take a little time, creativity, and consistency to be effective. Should you need assistance getting your business or organization off the ground with live stream, feel free to contact Grow Laredo.

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